Friday, September 09, 2011

This is me

Before i write the lines let me tell you a story. Sitting in a conference thinking of song here come few lines which i shall bestow:

"Here i am,
this is me,
there is no other place I rather be.

here I am this is me,
there are many thing,
I have to be.

Here I am ,
this is me,
colours of life,
all over me.

here I am ,
this is me,
life is flowing
all around me.

Here I am,
this is me,
making my marks,
where ever i be.
Here I am,
this is me,
there is no other place,
I rather be"

Ya ya sounds like that song... then came few thoughts while sipping the tea
funny is life when you take one step back and look at the mess. the fights and arguments and all the mess ; seem nothing but a miscommunication and nonsense. Sitting amount he learned peers who are arguing over a simple matter I realise my mind drifts to the clouds out in sky...."

The meeting ended but nothing was resolved. That my friend is top management.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Despite what your top management does or doesn't do, I think you are a next generation manager.