Wednesday, September 07, 2011

magic of words

Today i was driving and got stuck in a really bad traffic jam. waiting waiting for the traffic to move i wanted to write few words. yes people i understand that i cant drive and write especially in a jam. BUT yes BUT thanks to the "voice notes recorder" every thing is possible. I switched it on and went i said out my thoughts out loud. Hearing my voice singing my own thoughts was a weird experience. VVV weird but beggars cant be choosers... so there i went and said few word about first love which is wrong for all reasons but still it is love. (this is not the post about some other time will tell you). The traffic moved and so did i and happy me switched off the voice recorder. after playing office office for a while i met a person who i wanted to share the thoughts with.. the person heard my thoughts in one corner of the office and to my amazement and astonishment i realised that the person had tears in the eyes. BIG ones too.. so i quickly calmed the person and realised that my thoughts conveyed the person's dilemma (truly i did not do this intentionally). then like in the movies light falls on the hero/heroine and great mystery is revealed it dawned on me that my words could have an effect. i was elated. after some time i think i wanted to check my so called power and did the same with another person. This second person made a face saying "what is this???". There my balloon of happiness busted as again yes again the light en-lighted me to the fact that words alone are not magic it is a persons emotion and understanding that bring magic to words. what a lesson to learn when for years i believed in the magic of words.

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