Wow again its time for election in India, the biggest democracy. Though this would be the first time I will vote. Please before you speculate let me tell you the only reason I couldn't vote before this is because my dad you is in army was transferred regularly so no one place to get myself registered. Basically practical difficulties. After so many years I thought lets vote and got over with the formalities of registration etc. Now the question arises who to vote?????
I am definitely zapped........ I sought many opinions and every one had a different answer.. wellll every one at least agreed that there choice is based on past performance. Well grt but where can i check the past performances of parties?????? I searched the search engines, however there were more of propaganda of one person but no reasons to cross check it with...Since I was lot alive for the many years since India got independence and politics frankly only started interesting me recently I started to check out the speeches and political agendas..... At least one thing I can surely say today is that I won't vote for BJP. I am still confused who to vote for but it is definitely not BJP. Yes I know BJP build roads, gave pension to military persons etc... But i can't bring myself to vote for a party which only promotes Hinduvtava. I am no muslim nor am i a hindu I AM AN INDIAN. therefore this basic ideology does not match. I don't want only one sect of people to flourish I want all to flourish and together. It may seem like an impossible dream but still I believe in it and it is the basis of my soul. I suddenly remember the lines " I am born free" and I think the ideology of bjp kills the soul of the lines. I hope they realise that when a child is born he/she does not know any religion or what is right or what is wrong. It is the society which determines all this for the innocent unsuspecting child. I wonder if the child knew all this would it still want to be born in this world?????
I have a few friends who are muslim and no I don't the religion because I asked I know because their lifestyle is different from mine as is my neighbours and probably the person reading this. Then why should I vote for a party who on these small differences insist on dividing the country.OOPs I got diverted from the topic so how do i a first time voter decide who to vote for ????? read the election manifestos okkkkk will do tat but please tell me how many parties actually keep their promises after coming to power especially if it is a coalition??????// check the past record and from where????? well in this delima I unfortunately managed to speak to one of my friend who is pro BJP and anti congress.... I am not naming him but believe me when I say he believe in BJP passionately. Since we didn't want to fight we didn't discuss BJP but when it came to congress he did make some remarks which lead me to think where can I check the foreign policy, economic growth , per capita income of people etc during the time when any party was in power. Ya i don't blindly believe all that is told to me though I might not oppose it at that moment but still i research and then use the brains given by god to reach a conclusion same ideology goes for my friends. What I want to convey from this extra long article is just two things.1 plight of the first time voters 2. lack of knowledge or information provided to voters specially in this busy busy world.
OHHHh one more thing thank you BJP supporter friend it is only after speaking to you did I think I should pen down my thoughts. I still don't agree about BJP but thanks any ways.